Friday, September 22, 2006

One Web Day

Today is One Web Day - a celebration of how the internet brings people together.

True, I've met many people all over the world that I wouldn't have through the internet. I've met folks from all sorts of diverse backgrounds, many of whom I have practially nothing in common at all, but we managed to converge around one small idea.

The world is full of ideas.

The internet, and particularly the www, now that we have so much more interactive content on the www, brings people together in ways that were unimaginable just 20 years ago.

It also brings out freedom of speech, freedom of expression, in ways never before imagined. There is so much truth out there today available to everyone.

And so much falsehood.

There is so much crime, and so much good - and all of it on the internet.

Good points:
* you can learn all about anything you ever imagined
* you can say anything you ever imagined

Bad points:
* you can learn all about anything you ever imagined
* you can say anything you ever imagined

But really, I think the good far out-balances the bad. You just have to keep perspective, and updated virus signatures.


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