Thursday, May 12, 2005

QA Angst from the QA Guru

A certain friend of mine... uh-hmmm... fancies himself a QA Guru. Actually, he only started to feel this way about himself in recent months when he started interviewing candidates to hire for several open QA positions. The fact kept slapping him in the face: here were people who had been in the QA business even longer than he had (10 to his 8 years) and were practially clueless compared with the knowledge, and, to be honest, wisdom he had gathered all these years.

Actually, the folks at work have been refering to him as a QA Wizard and QA Guru for quite some time. But he only started to realize it himself when he suddenly had the opportunity to (unintentionally) compare himself to others.

Really, it was a stroke of luck he had: stumbling upon his ultimate interview question. The second stroke of luck he had was the opportunity to re-build his own department, one process at a time.

Well, enough about that. This friend of mine has started a blog devoted to Quality Assurance:

Yes, can you believe it? Nobody had the blog "QAGuru"! Amazing, huh?

So many QA folks out there, and a good many of them thinking of themselves as Guru!

Well, perhaps many QA folks simply don't have time to blog. It is a rough life you know. Some of us don't have time to blog while we are at work at ALL! (A cautious wink to my friends that blog from their workplaces daily...)

Anyway, he has posted his first post as QA Guru. If you are interested in the software industry, or just quality in general, I suggest you check it out. His first post is all about the correlation between poor software quality and the end of western civilization. I think anyone who uses a Microsoft operating system can relate to the concept of poor software quality, no? :)


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