Monday, February 24, 2003

A Wandering of the Soul
- Basil Miller

I cry out to Thee
In the deep inner recesses of the night
The spindly blackness of branches swaying in the wind
The blind melancholy of fears dancing beneath the stars

I cry out to Thee
My soul a finite particle of the night
My tears a storm of sorrows faltering on the wind
My darkness a tremble of life waning beneath the stars

Where are we in this vast space of darkness?
This icy tremble of night?
Where are we, people, earth, soul?

I am here walking beneath the shadows
Treading life’s long road
Walking the path that takes me into the darkness of unknown

Your sigh reaches me on the wind.
A breath scattering the rusted leaves

Your heart thumps in the night
Wind lashing branches against the stone

My sigh shatters the night
Sorrows flailing in the storm

My heart pounds against the darkness
The treasure in the palm of Your hand

I cry out to Thee
In the deep inner recesses of the night
I am nothing
And You are all

(c) 2003 Basilsprig

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